Monthly Archives: July, 2010

Szasz on Psychiatry as a Human Rights Abuse

AO Says: I’m not a scientology faithful or connected with them in any way whatsoever BUT for a couple of years at least they have been shedding light on what amounts to crimes against humanity so, I can’t ignore their claims and evidence on what’s going on with those “doctors”, that would be a crime.

Dr. Szasz on Psychiatry

On Psychiatry as a Human Rights Abuse

  • “Psychiatry does not commit human rights abuse. It is a human rights abuse.”

  • “It’s not science. It’s politics and economics. That’s what psychiatry is: politics and economics. Behavior control, it is not science, it is not medicine.”
  • “It’s an epidemic of psychiatry that we are dealing with. We don’t have an epidemic of mental illness, we have an epidemic of psychiatry.”
  • “When will we recognize and publicly identify the medical criminals among us? Or is it the very possibility of perceiving many of our leading psychiatrists and psychiatric institutions in this way precluded by the fact that they represent the officially ‘correct’ views and practices. Is it precluded because they have the ears of our lawyers and legislators, journalists and judges? Or is it precluded because they control the vast funds, collected by the state through taxing the citizens, which finance an enterprise whose basic moral legitimacy we should call into question?”

More quotes on this topic

The Therapeutic State—Alliance Between Government & Psychiatry

  • “Although we may not know it, we have, in our day, witnessed the birth of the Therapeutic State. This is perhaps the major implication of psychiatry as an institution of social control.”
  • “When I use the term therapeutic state, I use it ironically, it’s therapeutic for the people who are doing the locking up, who are doing the therapy, it’s not therapeutic for the victims, for the patients.”
  • “In the therapeutic state, treatment is contingent on, and justified by, the diagnosis of the patient’s illness and the physician’s precription of the proper remedy for it…. Today, the therapeutic state exercises authority and uses force in the name of health.” The Founding Fathers “could not have anticipated…that an alliance between medicine and the state would then threaten personal liberty and responsibility exactly as they had been threatened by an alliance between church and state.”
  • “Inasmuch as we have words to describe medicine as a healing art, but have none to describe it as a method of social control or political rule, we must first give it a name. I propose that we call it pharmacracy, from the Greek roots pharmakon, for ‘medicine’ or ‘drug,’ and kratein, for ‘to rule’ or ‘to control.’”
  • “Formerly, people rushed to embrace totalitarian states. Now they rush to embrace the therapeutic state. When they discover that the therapeutic state is about tyranny, not therapy, it will be too late.”

More quotes on this topic

Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring

By: Noah Shachtman, July 28 2010

The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future.
Obama nation

The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, organizations, actions and incidents — both present and still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal analytics engine “goes beyond search” by “looking at the ‘invisible links’ between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.”

The idea is to figure out for each incident who was involved, where it happened and when it might go down. Recorded Future then plots that chatter, showing online “momentum” for any given event.

Continue reading →

Mental health experts ask: Will anyone be normal?

By: Kate Kelland, Jul 27 2010

(Reuters) – An updated edition of a mental health bible for doctors may include diagnoses for “disorders” such as toddler tantrums and binge eating, experts say, and could mean that soon no-one will be classed as normal.

Leading mental health experts gave a briefing on Tuesday to warn that a new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is being revised now for publication in 2013, could devalue the seriousness of mental illness and label almost everyone as having some kind of disorder.

Citing examples of new additions like “mild anxiety depression,” “psychosis risk syndrome,” and “temper dysregulation Continue reading →

The Cancer Triggers are in the Vaccines, the Food and the Water! They’re Not in Your ‘Bad Genes’!

By Neil Foster, 30th July 2010

Ask anyone with half an ounce of common sense what would happen if mice with suppressed immune systems were injected with genetically altered cells known to cause cancer and I’m sure 100% of those questioned would come up with the obvious answer; Surprise, surprise! The mice would get cancer.

So why is it that this is supposedly a breakthrough in prostate cancer research?

The truth is that it isn’t. It’s just another article pointing to ‘defective genes’ later in the article as the ‘real’ cause of prostate cancer and is just another eugenics promotion piece which the mainstream media has pushed over the past few months which I’ve written about before because they all follow the same pattern of ultimately blaming the root causes on ‘bad genes’ for a variety of illnesses.

How many of these junk science articles need to be published in the mainstream before people start to take notice that everything is being blamed on so called ‘bad genes’ and that this will become a medical diagnosis to justify sterilisation and abortion? Continue reading →

Uganda: U.S., NATO Allies Prepare New Invasion Of Somalia

Rick Rozoff

The 15th biennial African Union summit in Kampala, Uganda ended on July 27 with mixed results regarding support for U.S. and Western European plans to escalate foreign military intervention in nearby Somalia.

The 35 heads of state present at the three-day meeting were reported to have authorized the deployment of 2,000 more African troops to back up the beleaguered Western-backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Mogadishu and to bring the full complement of forces doing so to 8,000, but the new contingent will probably consist solely of troops from Uganda and Burundi, which supply the approximately 6,000 already serving with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). Reports of another 2,000 reinforcements from Djibouti and Guinea are problematic and their deployment remains to be seen, not that pressure will not be exerted on those two nations and others from outside the continent.

AMISOM is the successor to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Peace Support Mission in Continue reading →

Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic

By: Thierry Meyssan July 28 2008
One should judge Nicolas Sarkozy according to his actions, and not according to his personality. Yet when his doings surprise even his own constituents, it is legitimate to take a detailed look at his biography and question the bonds that brought him to power. Thierry Meyssan has decided to write the truth about the French Republic’s president background. All the information included in this article is provable, except for two assertions signalled by the author who alone takes full Continue reading →

Pay More for Less – Fuel Poverty on the Way as Eco-Fascism Takes Charge

Householders face a £300-a-year rise in their gas and electricity bills and significant cuts in how much energy they use if Britain is to “keep the lights on” and meet its climate change targets, the “Government” has said. Actually, this is that fool Huhne, who has said people would have to make “ambitious” cuts in their own consumption.

So, what he is proposing is that we should use less electricity and pay substantially more for it, ending up with higher bills despite cutting consumption. As a motivational message, this is little short of moronic, although we’ve stopped wondering what these people do for brains.

The worst of it is that Huhne is almost certainly under-estimating the costs. Earlier estimates have gone as high as £5,000 a year for our energy bills.

There is a third element here, as well. Even though we are set for higher costs, and reduced consumption, at this rate we will almost certainly have power cuts as well. Huhne’s grasp of the electricity supply industry makes this almost a certainty.

And, let’s not run away with the idea that this is a maverick minister, indulging in his own free-lance fantasy. This fatuous policy very much has the support of The Boy Cameron, who is seemingly happy to drive the entire population into fuel poverty.

We appreciate that there was not much choice at the last general election – but choice there was. One trusts now that those who thought a vote for Dave or his minions a good idea are fully appraised of their foolishness.

Related posts:

  2. Eugenics Takes Shape in America


Is Wikileaks a CIA op? Just one of many Down Under?
Deborah DupréExaminer Human Rights National News, 07 Apr 2010

© Unknown

Comment: Reposted from Examiner Human Rights National News with author’s permission.

Last week, Wikileaks’ Australian head, Julian Assange caused a global stir with its claims of classified video coverage of US war crimes and being tailed by operatives to the point of fearing for their lives, but the Aussie is possibly a black-op wizard, one of many in the Land of Oz that Christian groups and others Down Under oppose.

Wayen Madsen (WMR) reports that his intelligence sources in China and Thailand claim that people believe Wikileaks is linked to U.S. CIA cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad’s cyber-warfare activities.

“Wikileaks purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, even stating it had its site shut down a while back.”

WMR in the article, CIA, Mossad and Soros behind Wikileaks reports that last week, Wikileaks claimed to have decrypted video footage of a U.S. Apache gunship killing civilians in Iraq, covert U.S. State Department agents following its editor from Iceland to Norway in a surveillance operation and having one of its interns detained for questioning. Continue reading →

Pharmaceutical drug contamination of waterways threatens life on our planet

(NaturalNews) The President’s Cancer Panel (PCP) recently released its yearly report to the President outlining the status of cancer in America. This year’s report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country (and the world).

Many reports have recently appeared about pharmaceutical contamination of water supplies, rivers, lakes and other waterways, but spokespersons from the drug and chemical industries have denied that this pollution poses any risk whatsoever to the environment. But this report, issued directly from PCP, provides a stunning indictment of the dangers associated with pharmaceutical pollution.

The executive summary of the PCP Continue reading →

Gilad Atzmon: Oliver Stone apologized for Telling the Truth

Date July 28 2010, Gilad Atzmon

There you go, Oliver Stone apologized for suggesting that the Jewish lobby controls Washington’s foreign policy and that Hitler’s actions should be put into context.

In fact, Stone’s apology confirms Stone’s argument. We are subject to constant assault by Jewish and Israeli gatekeepers who insist on controlling the political and historical discourse and defy any possible criticism of Jewish national affairs.

“In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret,” Stone said in a statement released late Monday, the day after his remarks were published in a British newspaper.

JTA reported today that Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants, was among the Jewish organizations and Israeli officials to condemn the remarks. Continue reading →

7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned

Activist Post, July 27 2010

The objectivism of the scientific method seems to have been hijacked by corporations who often pay for scientists to support their products, as well as politicians who move through the revolving door between the private and public sector.  Even worse is that sometimes the consumer protection agencies themselves are complicit.

The trust placed by consumers in scientific studies and Federal oversight committees has been violated in service to profit so that products are allowed to enter the marketplace with reduced safety standards.   The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being.  Volumes can be written — indeed have been written — by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health.  The categories below are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues

GMO foods

Monsanto started as a chemical company that brought the world poisons like Agent Orange and Continue reading →

UK Opts-in to Plan to Share Evidence Between EU Police

Secretary Theresa May says the UK will opt in to an EU order allowing foreign police to be given evidence held in the UK. The European Investigation Order makes it easier for police to investigate suspects living in each other’s states. Mrs May told MPs the EIO would help fight crime in the UK. Critics predict forces will end up wasting resources working on unjustified investigations that breach civil liberties.

Under the current system, EU police forces who want to investigate a suspect in another member state ask their counterparts for help through special agreements called Mutual Legal Assistance. In 2005, the UK used its MLA with Italy to secure the arrest and speedy extradition of one of the 21 July failed suicide bombers, Hussain Osman.

Read In Full Here : BBC News